Reiki Lineage

Why is there a Reiki Lineage?

A Reiki lineage traces the direct line of teaching from a practitioner back to Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. It ensures authenticity, preserves traditional techniques, and maintains the integrity of Reiki energy passed from master to student. Knowing one’s lineage strengthens the connection to Reiki’s history and foundations.

Larry’s Reiki Lineage

Mikao Usui taught Reiki to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, a retired Imperial Navy commander, who completed his Master-level training in 1925. In 1938, Hayashi traveled to Hawaii to finalize the training of Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman, and helped introduce Reiki to the West.
Before her passing in 1980, Takata trained 22 Reiki Masters, including her granddaughter, Phyllis Lei Furumoto. The Reiki Alliance recognizes Furumoto as the Grand Master of Reiki, preserving Takata’s teachings as the foundation of Western Reiki.
While a traditional Reiki lineage has continued in Japan since Usui’s time, many practitioners in the West have developed new Reiki styles, embracing the diversity within the practice.

Larry Claussen’s Reiki lineage traces back through these teachings:
Miako Usui taught Dr. Chujiro Hayashi all Reiki Levels
Chujiro Hyashi taught Hawayo Takata all Reiki Levels
Hawayo Takata initated Phyllis Furuomot to all Reiki Levels
Phyllis Furumoto initiated Barbara West in Reiki Levels I, II, and III.
Barbara West initiated Barbara Svanevic and M’Lin Kendrick-Stafford in all three levels.
Tricia Clark-McDowell received her first-degree Reiki from Barbara West and her second and third degrees from Barbara Svanevic.
Morgan McBride was initiated in Reiki I and II by M’Lin Kendrick-Stafford and received Reiki III from Tricia Clark-McDowell.
Tracy L. Cash received Reiki I and II from Morgan McBride and Reiki III from Angela Harding.
Larry Claussen was initiated in all Reiki levels (I, II, and III) by Tracy L. Cash.